Thursday, October 4, 2007

Blah blah blah

I've had a case of the blahs lately.

I think it's because I've been feeling so sluggish and sleepy a lot of the time. I've been sleeping a ton, getting up late, and still ready for a nap at any given moment throughout the day. I even went through the Starbucks drive thru this morning and purchased a pumpkin latte in an effort to start a coffee addiction.

I don't actually enjoy the stuff at all but I would love to be one of those women who starts her day with a 5am quiet time and cup of joe. Thanks to all the sugar and whatever else they put in a flavored latte, mine was mildly pleasant - although I would like to state for the record that I tasted no pumpkin whatsoever. I quickly determined that a coffee habit is a lot less convenient (and much more expensive) if you have to leave the house to procure some. And I'm quite sure I could never learn to tolerate the horrid stuff that comes out of my husband's coffee maker each morning. You know, just regular old non-latte java? Aaghck!

So coffee is out.

I spoke with a friend today who suggested I get my thyroid checked. I also think I will schedule a sleep test, as my husband thinks I may be experiencing sleep apnea. He claims I hold my breath a lot while I'm sleeping.

So I have my annual ladies exam on Tuesday (woo hoo, right!?) and I am going to schedule a regular physical as soon as I can get into see a doctor. I hate, hate, hate going to the doctor. All because of the dreaded weigh-in. (duhn-duhn-DUHN!) And although I don't overeat anymore, the weight hasn't melted off as those diet commercials would have me believe. I clearly need to start exercising. But that's the last thing I feel like doing right now, when I would really like to take a little snooze.

I also feel like I need a little more structure in my day, and it would do both Nicknack and me a world of good to get out of the house more. We usually stay at home unless we run errands, go to the grocery store, or make quick trip to the neighborhood park. The highlight of our week is our Thursday Bible study. Nicknack loves the nursery so much that every week I'm tempted to sign him up for day care just because I think he'd love it so much.

So today, after Bible study, I came home and used my computer for good. I found a Mommy and Me tumbling class at the local community center and signed us up for Tuesdays. It doesn't start until November, so in the meantime I booked us for a couple of drop-in classes at Gymboree and the Children's Gym.

Then I made a list of all the child-friendly activities in the area. We have two zoos, an aquarium, two great children's museums, and umpteen parks, pools, beaches, farms, etc. within an hour's drive. If we don't have anything scheduled for the day we'll pick one on the list and visit.

Then, because I was on a roll, I found a tennis center in the area and called and committed myself to tennis lessons before I could chicken out. I have wanted to learn to play tennis for a long time. I booked myself for a one hour individual lesson this Monday afternoon. (Penn has the day off.) Then after that I'll be taking a weekly group lesson on Sunday afternoons. I already checked the football schedule and it will only interfere with a couple of games.

I'm so excited!

But I'm still super sleepy.


Janelle said...

Sounds like you have found a cure for the blahs. Hope all those activies are as fun as they sound.

Actually, I am feeling the same way. Not down, just blah. Nothing to write about, nothing new happening, nothing WOW. Just blah.

This too shall pass.

AbbyLane said...

i have had THE WORST sleeping pattern myself lately...sleeping in and then napping a few hours later...i totally mom has thyroid issues...hmmm maybe i should ask her about that..

and thankfully i do like coffee...but unfortunately i've been drinking it too much because of being so sleepy, but then my sleeping patterns are ALL screwed up because then i'm sleepy when i shouldn't be, and not when i should!

Susan said...

All of that sounds great! And definitely mention to your Lady Stuff Doctor that you are tired all the time, sleeping alot, etc., they like to keep up on that as well and will probably, as you've already said you need to do, recommend you get a physical with blood work, etc. Even at your tender, sweet age our bodies can get out of whack and need some adjustment.

I love coffee. Adore it. Can't get enough of it. But only in the morning. Now and then I'll have some when we are out, after a yummy dinner where I know they have yummy coffee and then I'm careful to always order decaf or half caff/half regular. The caffeine really keeps me up at night.

Have you tried tea? There are a zillion types of tea, so many flavors and non-flavors and colors and I just couldn't go there because there is so much! But my personal morning favorite, when I'm sick, is Scottish blend. It gets me revved up and is yummy. That and Prince of Wales blend. YUMMY.


connorcolesmom said...

Goodness after all that I feel sleepy too :)
I do think you should have your Dr check your thyroid. Your gyn can do it for you. Of course having a child makes me sleepy. I think it is b/c I use so much more of myself than I ever did before.
Let us know how all this goes :)

Lisa Bolling said...

Kitty - I have thyroid issues - have to take medication daily for the rest of my life. It can make me tired and sleepy alot. It's a good idea to have it checked. But here is another thought - my doctor told me that women get dehydrated much more than men. When we are dehydrated we can become sleepy and tired. Try drinking extra water for a while and see if it helps. But still talk to your doctor - the water may help and it certainly won't hurt. Praying for the best for you.